Rwyf wedi tynnu lluniau o 'dywydd' ers blynyddoedd maith - rwy'n credu yn dilyn storm fawr yn Aberystwyth yn 1974!
Gyda dyfodiad y cyfryngau cymdeithasol cafodd rhai o fy lluniau eu gweld a'u dosbarthu yn eang.
Mae gen i lyfr am dywydd eithafol hefyd - 'Tywydd Mawr mewn lluniau' (Gwasg y Lolfa) sy'n cynnwys darluniau archif o dywydd eithafol yng Nghymru dros y canrifoedd, a man cychwyn y llyfr i mi oedd dod i ddysgu am newid hinsawdd, a gweld effaith stormydd enbyd diweddar ar arfordir Cymru. Fe allwch chi brynu'r llyfr yma.
I've taken 'weather pictures' since I first got hold of a camera - inspired by a storm in Aberystwyth in 1974! Extreme weather is not only exciting to photograph, but is probably amongst the 'lowest hanging' of all photographic fruits. Everyone does it, and everyone wants to see and share the pictures.
With the advent of digital social media some of my pictures became quite popular.
I wrote a book on extreme weather in Wales 'Tywydd Mawr mewn lluniau' (it has bilingual captions, but the body text is in Welsh). It was something I wanted to do since becoming aware of climate change. Seeing the affect of recent weather extremes on the Welsh coastline was the impetus to getting on with the job. The book is packed with archive images, as well as a few of my own. You can buy it here

Storm Freya - Aberystwyth 2/19( Allwch chi ddim rhedeg i ffwrdd o newid hinsawdd - You can't run from climate change

Storm Callum - Aberystwyth (13/10/18)